
4 June 2021

The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) continue to provide ongoing support to Constable Zach Rolfe and his family as he vigorously defends the charge.

Today, President Paul McCue attended the Darwin Supreme Court in relation to preliminary proceedings, where Constable Rolfe’s full legal team were in attendance, including Mr David Edwardson QC, Mr Anthony Allen QC, and Mr Luke Officer, Instructing Solicitor.   

Disclosed in court today was the existence of a report which has been prepared for the Coroner, which David Edwardson QC argued ought to have been produced in the normal course of disclosure, and was not. The report has been provided to the court now following the issuing of a Subpoena to the Commissioner of Police.

Mr McCue states, “Constable Rolfe continues to have our full support and has the right to ensuring all relevant information required for his defence is made available, so it was disappointing Constable Rolfe’s legal team were required to issue a subpoena for information which we should already have”.

A non-publication order was argued by the Prosecution which was ultimately denied.   

“We will continue to provide ongoing support to all police officers involved in this matter both directly and indirectly, and we will maintain ongoing support for our member, Constable Rolfe, through the coming trial period”, Mr McCue said.  

No further statement will be made at this time.


Please direct all media enquiries to or by phone +61 (0) 8 8995 9520 

The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) is the industrial voice of all members of the Northern Territory Police Force. Read more via or join us on Facebook at