
12 August 2022

The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) has received initial results from a short member survey regarding confidence in NT Police Commissioner, Mr Jamie Chalker APM, as well as ongoing member concerns regarding resourcing, morale within the police force, and the Government’s insulting pay freeze offer.

NTPA President Paul McCue said 1,044 members took part in the survey, which represents 65% of the membership and is the highest ever general survey return rate received by the NTPA, second only to the 2017 Consent Agreement ballot. A total of 1608 members were eligible to take part in this survey.

Initial results show:

  • 79.7% of respondents said they do not have confidence in Police Commissioner, Mr Jamie Chalker APM;
  • 92.6% of respondents said they do not think there are enough police in the NT to do what is being asked of them;
  • 79.4% of respondents rated current morale in the NT Police Force as low, or very low; and
  • 87.9% of respondents said they were dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied with the current pay freeze offer from the Commissioner and Government.

“From my perspective, these survey results show the NT Police Force is in complete crisis: our members do not have confidence in the Commissioner, they overwhelmingly reject the Government’s disgraceful pay freeze, they think morale is at an all-time low, and there clearly needs to be an urgent review into staffing which is completely insufficient to undertake the roles our members are being forced to do.

“Yesterday afternoon, I notified Commissioner Chalker of the initial results, which are also being sent to Chief Minister Natasha Fyles, Police Minister Kate Worden and Shadow Police Minister Lia Finocchiaro.

“This survey was a direct result of motions put forward by a majority of NTPA regions, directing the NTPA Executive to conduct a ballot on member confidence in Commissioner Chalker. It was our role to facilitate that vote.

“It is not the role of the NTPA to hire, or fire, Commissioners. That is a discussion, taking into account these survey results, between Government and Commissioner Chalker.

“A comprehensive breakdown of the survey results will be made available to our members, once we have received the final report and had time to examine the comments. The results - and any further action to be considered by the NTPA Executive - will be discussed at our Annual Conference being held next week in Darwin,” said Mr McCue.


Please direct all media enquiries to NTPA Communications Officer, Kyrrie Blenkinsop or by phone +61 (0) 8 8995 9520 

The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) is the industrial voice of all members of the Northern Territory Police Force. Read more via or join us on Facebook at