
14 May 2024

The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) acknowledges the significant funding injection for the NT Police Force (NTPF) in Budget 2024-25 but is disappointed to discover that a majority of the $90 million ‘boost for police’ is compensating for overspending in the current budget.

NTPA President Nathan Finn said the increase to the NTPF operational Budget in 2024-25, compared with the 2023-24 Revised Budget, is $23.4 million. The department anticipates a deficit of $22.2 million in 2023-24 and $19.6 million in 2024-25.

“Yesterday, the Chief Minister and Police Minister jointly announced a $90 million funding boost for the NTPF. Additionally, Minister Potter told Mix 104.9 that the $90 million was “separate to the $570 million over five years ..” but was later forced to clarify the $90 million is, in fact, included in the total $570 million commitment.

“What wasn’t disclosed by the Chief Minister and Police Minister is that more than $70 million of that $90 million funding has already been absorbed because the department has blown its budget this financial year.

“That blow out is not surprising given the extraordinary number of resources that have been sent to Alice Springs, ongoing violence in the West Daly Region, the overwhelming number of calls requesting an emergency response coming into the Joint Emergency Services Communication Centre (JESCC), and the unsustainable overtime members right across the Territory are undertaking to address record levels of crime, harm and violence in the community.

“What this fiscal overrun doesn’t show, is the ongoing and untold damage to the mental health and wellbeing of our members, who continue to shoulder the burden of a chronically under resourced NT Police Force. That’s why the NTPA persistently lobbied for the urgent establishment of the NT Police Force Resource Allocation Review. The Government now has the completed review and a clear picture of what can be done to begin addressing critical under staffing, sustained under resourcing, and significant lack of infrastructure. Now, our members need action.

“What’s also disappointing is that we won’t see the roll out of any new infrastructure money until at least this time next year, while three major capital works projects have been revoted from previous budgets:

  • $15.4 million for a multipurpose complex at Maningrida (jointly funded by the Commonwealth) was committed in the 2018-19 budget, and has appeared in every budget since. Construction hasn't started;
  • $3.4 million was committed in the 2020-21 budget for 'additions' to the Tennant Creek Watch House. Despite a further allocation of $11.4 million for a new Watch House in the 2023-24 budget, construction is yet to begin;
  • $19 million for a multipurpose complex at Peppimenarti was first budgeted in 2023-24, with the project due to begin in Q2 of this year. Construction hasn't started; and
  • $25 million for the ongoing police infrastructure and housing program, as part of the NT Police Resource Allocation Review response, won't begin rolling out until Q2 of 2025.

“Our members need resources, staff and critical infrastructure now. This funding should be delivered swiftly to finally allow our members to have some respite”, said Mr Finn.


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The Northern Territory Police Association (NTPA) is the industrial voice of all members of the Northern Territory Police Force. Read more via or join us on Facebook at